The cleaning process uses the power of turbulent water flow and compressed air from a compressor. The water-based cleaning solution is pushed through the filter channels by outside pressure, which has to be strong enough to overcome any resistance in those channels. In a turbulent flow, the streams of liquid mix and create swirls, which can easily reach into and clean out solid particles stuck in the tiny pores of the filter's channels.

The cleaning method is highly effective when used with DPF Active Matic detergent, which lowers the surface tension of water. This makes it easier for the detergent molecules to stick to dirt particles and remove them more effectively from the surface being cleaned.

The design of the DPF causes the cleaning solution to flow at high speed and with a lot of force, creating what's known as high shear stress. This is the key to breaking up and removing deposits in the filter channels.

Moreover, the detergent's specific viscosity adds to the flow resistance, acting similarly to friction as water molecules move. This enhances the cleaning action.

This approach ensures the thorough removal of all types of soot and ash, from surface layers to deep-seated deposits.


• Complete cleaning system in one single unit machine
• Easily removes both ashes and soot
• No thermal furnace needed
• No particle contamination in the workshop air
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